August 16, 2014

Discovering Dargatz #59 - Neil Burtson? Neal Burtsen? Burt Neilsen?

Neal Burtson?  Neil Burtsen?  Any way it is spelled, this fella is a mystery. When I drove Zoomobile, I used to give special extended tours for larger groups. More often than not, this involved a group of senior citizens. On these tours, I made a few stops so the guests could venture on their own.   After these tours, I was  appreciative of the warm words guests sent my way. I also turned down the occasional tip attempt or at least donated it right back to the zoo. On one  occasion, I was asked to not make any stops but go extremely slow. I obliged. At the conclusion of this painfully slow tour, a guest came up to me and did something no one else ever did.  In a shaky, gravely voice, she stated, "You remind me of a young Neil Burtson," and gave me a nice hug. I of course thanked her, but I was dumbfounded at her words.  Who was this Neal Burtsen?  Luckily, I wasn't the only one confused.  No co-workers or even Google tracked Mr. Burtson down.  I'm glad I gave this guest such a nice memory, even if no one seems to know what that memory was.
I assume Mr. Burtson would look like Australian folk singer Rolf Harris, my brother from another mother.

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