August 4, 2014

DD #51 - State Fair Shenanigans

Cream puffs. Fried food on a stick. Pig races. The Smokey the Bear DNR walk. The mini newspapers. These are just a sampling of my Wisconsin State Fair childhood memories.  Every year, my family would undoubtedly park a mile away to avoid parking fees,  We would definitely get caught up in the transfer of animals, making almost impossible to get in and out in a  timely manner.  There was never any doubt that the day we decided to go would be the most sweltering and miserable summer day, which was OK because the coupon booklets always had 2 for 1 large sodas at any Root Beer barrel location.  We'd make our way through a sea of mullets, tattoos, sweat, and carnies on our way to escape the heat and get haggled by men selling shammies and "the best knives in the world."  You may think I don't like the fair based on these memories, but in fact, the opposite is true. I love it!  I'm extremely thrilled to make new memories with my own family, though I think I may replace shammies with sheep and carnies with cows. Either way, the cream puffs and pig races are here to stay.

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