January 17, 2015

The Story Catcher

One of the wonderful things about my journey as a writer is the relationships I am able to build with fellow writers and artists. I am very fortunate to share a fantastic new story from one of these new relationships.Please give this book a look. I guarantee you will LOVE it as much as I do!

Title: The Story Catcher
Author: Donna L. Martin
Imprint: Adventures
Release Date: January 20, 2015

Addie comes from a long line of readers, or “story catchers,” as her family likes to call themselves. Every time Addie tries to catch a story on her own, though, the words play tricks on her. Addie tries everything she can think of to corral those wiggly letters, but it  will take a little faith to become the next STORY CATCHER.

Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.com/B00PHJRVG0
Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.com/0990908542
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-story-catcher-donna-l-martin/1120753878?ean=9780990908548
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/492614

THE STORY CATCHER FAN CLUB: Fan club membership includes: 
Membership Certificate
Bi-monthly Newsletter full of mazes, puzzles, games, news and other goodies
Reading log for earning Story Catcher Award
Short story starring YOU! 

TRAILER LINK:See the trailer here.

By day, Donna L. Martin is a Fourth Degree TaeKwonDo Black Belt; by night, she is a self-proclaimed “ninja author” of picture books, middle grade chapter books, and young adult novels. Somewhere amidst all this excitement, she also created the Free Author Promotion event that takes place every May during the Children’s Festival of Reading. Donna loves laughter, snuggling with her cat, and reading good books. To get a sneak peak of what it was like growing up among the swamps of southern Louisiana, check out Tales from the Bayou on her blog at www.DonnaLMartin.com.

Anaiah Press will give away a $20 iTunes Gift Card to one lucky winner.
Donna L. Martin will give away a beautiful journal. 

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Melinda Dozier said...

Thank you for your help today!

Donna L Martin said...

Thanks, Peter, for helping get the word out about my book!

Take care,

Donna L Martin