November 24, 2014

DD#106 - Nicknames

I have had the pleasure (and agony) of many nicknames in my time. Since a spacing error on a 2nd grade paper plate turkey project led to the name Pe Terd, I have tried to adapt a new nickname. Though this lasted for a while, I have had the opportunity for others.  One rule of nicknames is that you can't create your own, something I learned when I tried to use Maxi as my nickname, since my initials are PAD.  This was a gross and adolescent attempt at a new name. For a while in college, I was Donkey because a worker at the desk I supervised told me that I reminded her of the donkey character from Shrek. In my baseball career, usually my last name was how I was referred to.  I even tried to get Dargatz used as  an expletive. If I banged my knee, it would be "Dargatz that hurt!"  or "God Dargatz!" While it never lasted as a curse word, my last name has been my primary nickname, along with Peter D. However, in the classroom, I do allow the students to refer to me as Mr. Donut, only after they bring me a donut.

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